
FecalSwab® for Friendlier Pediatrics


September 28, 2015

Being a kid is not easy. Let’s face it, someone is always telling you what to do, how to do it, and when to do it by. You haven’t quite figured out the best way to express yourself and when you are not feeling well, the last thing you want to do is visit the doctor’s office.

Pediatricians have their own list of challenges to overcome. Accommodations and modifications have to be taken into consideration across the board when your average patient stands under 3 feet, but we’re talking about more than lowering the bench height and stocking up on lollipops.

The process of collecting and transporting feces for enteric sampling can be an unpleasant experience, no matter what age you are. In pediatrics, it is sometimes difficult for the patient to either produce enough sample or even a sample at all, within an appropriate time. Luckily, COPAN’s FecalSwab® helps alleviate some of the challenges.

Now pediatricians have options where gathering fecal samples are concerned. FecalSwab® simplifies and standardizes fecal sample collection, transport and processing by converting solid or semi-solid specimens into liquid phase, in small, compact tubes.

One option works well if the patient has produced enough feces to sample; rather than handling and transporting an excessive amount, pediatricians can simply probe the sample with a flocked swab enclosed within the kit, transfer it into the tube and disperse it. By breaking off the handle at the designated break point of the swab and enclosing the remainder inside the tube, the specimen is ready for transport to the lab. Alternatively, the pediatrician can use FecalSwab® as a rectal swab. This option is great if the patient was either unable to provide sample or an ample amount. By combining the kit with a contoured flocked swab, equipped with an anatomically correct stopper, specially designed for pediatrics, comfort is optimal for the patient and does not require overly intrusive instruments to obtain the proper amount of specimen. It is also a time saver, which can translate directly into better patient care. Additionally, after conducting the primary culture of FecalSwab®, the Flocked Swab and cap assembly can be transferred to COPAN Selenite Broth tubes for selective enrichment of Salmonella.  The remaining sample can also be used for a molecular enteric diagnostics.

With a smaller quantity of specimen to deal with, a quicker turnaround time, and less need to monitor “the go,” FecalSwab® results in less tears for everyone. Now that, deserves a lollipop!